6 Rank Chemicals

To prioritize the chemicals for potential NIS inhibition activity, a ranking score was calculated using two metrics that take into account the potential confounding impact of cytotoxicity on identifying RAIU inhibition activity: 1) toxicity-adjusted area (TAA) and 2) the difference of median responses of RAIU and cytotoxicity at maximum tested concentration (Median-Difference). TAA was defined by the maximum concentration vertical line (right border), the significant threshold horizontal line for RAIU assay (top border), and the dose-response curves of RAIU and cell viability results. The numeric value of TAA is penalized when a chemical demonstrates strong cytotoxicity. Median-Difference was calculated using the median of cell viability responses minus the median of RAIU responses at the maximum testing concentration (usually 100 µM). Larger separations between RAIU and cytotoxicity are reflected in larger Median-Difference values. To rank test chemicals, NaClO4 was used as the reference to normalize the TAA and Median-Difference of each test chemical. Specifically, the TAA and Median-Difference values of NaClO4 positive control included on each of the 54 multi-concentration testing plates were first calculated to obtain the median of NaClO4 TAA and Median-Difference (150.03 and 95.67 respectively). Then the TAA and Median-Difference of test chemicals were normalized as the percentage of the median NaClO4 TAA and Median-Difference separately and then summed to obtain a chemical ranking score. The ranking score of 200 represents the potency of the referenced NaClO4.

Demonstration of TAA and Median-Difference

Demonstration of TAA and Median-Difference

## [1] 151.0348
## [1] 95.66618
# calculate ranking metrics, normalize to sodium perchlorate
sum_tbl <- toxplot::rank_tcpl(mc_model, spid_chnm_table, 
                              med_taa = median(perchlorate_rank$taa),
                              med_med_diff = median(perchlorate_rank$med_diff))

#write_csv(sum_tbl, "./output data files/Phase1_rank_table.csv")

6.1 Ranking Plot

Use color to indicate chemicals that have significant RAIU but no significant cytotoxicity at any given concentration.

#check each concentration, and find concentrations that have sig RAIU but no sig cytotoxicity.
#get the median response for each chemical on each concentration
median_responses <- dt_mc_norm %>% 
    filter(wllt == "t") %>% 
    group_by(spid, conc, assay) %>% 
    summarize(med = median(nval_median)) %>% ungroup
cyto_positives <- median_responses %>% 
    filter(assay == 'Cytotox') %>% 
    mutate(positive_cyto = ifelse((med < 100 - sig_mc[[1,3]]), 1, 0)) 
raiu_positives <- median_responses %>% 
    filter(assay == 'RAIU') %>% 
    mutate(positive_raiu = ifelse((med < 100 - sig_mc[[2,3]]), 1, 0)) 

raiu_1_cyto_0 <- left_join(cyto_positives, raiu_positives, by = c("spid", "conc")) %>% 
    mutate(separation = ifelse((positive_raiu == 1 & positive_cyto == 0), 1, 0))

separation_spid <- raiu_1_cyto_0 %>% 
    filter(separation == 1) %>% 
    select(spid) %>% 
    unique %>% 
    mutate(sep = "Yes")

sum_tbl5 <- left_join(sum_tbl, separation_spid, by = "spid") %>% 
    mutate(sep = ifelse(is.na(sep), "No", "Yes")) %>% 
sum_tbl6 <- left_join(sum_tbl, separation_spid, by = "spid") %>% 
    mutate(sep = ifelse(is.na(sep), "-", "+")) %>% 

rs_plot2 <- ggplot(sum_tbl5) +
    geom_col(aes(x=reorder(spid, ranking_score), y = ranking_score, fill = sep), alpha = 0.9, linetype = "solid") +
    theme_light(base_size = 14) + 
    xlab("Chemicals, ordered by ranking scores") +
    ylab("Ranking Score") +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 200, alpha = 0.8, size = 0.8, linetype = "dashed", color = "gray32") +
    theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +
    scale_fill_manual(name = "",
                      values = c("gray20", "#21B321"),
                      breaks = c("","Yes"),
                      labels = c("No", "Non-cytotoxic RAIU inhibition\nat 1 or 2 concentrations")
    theme(legend.justification = c(0,1), legend.position = c(0.28, 0.18),
          legend.title = element_text(size = rel(0.7)),
          legend.text = element_text(size = rel(0.6)),
          legend.background = element_blank()) +  
    coord_flip() +
    scale_x_discrete(breaks = NULL) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-25, 200, by = 25))


# ggsave("./output plots/ranking_score.png", rs_plot2, dpi = 600, width = 4.5, height = 5.2, units = "in")
# rs_plot3 <- rs_plot2 + 
#     theme(legend.text = element_text(size = rel(0.7)),
#           axis.title = element_text(size =rel(1.6)))
# rs_plot3
# ggsave("./output plots/ranking_score_slim.png", rs_plot3, dpi = 900, width = 4.0, height = 10, units = "in")

6.2 Results Table for publication

6.2.1 Table 1 in ES&T paper

multi_results <- sum_tbl6 %>% 
    dplyr::select(spid, chnm, casn, AC50_prim, absEC50_prim, cyto_lim, ranking_score, sep)
## merge sum-tbl with spid_chnm_table, to include all single and multi-con results
spid_chnm_table <-
read_excel("./raw data files/EPA_11700_EPA-SLaws_ph1v2_150ul_20170125_key.xlsx")
#rename the column title to be compatible with tcpl package.

spid_chnm_table <-
    spid_chnm_table %>% dplyr::select(EPA_Sample_ID, Aliquot_Concentration, CASRN, Preferred_Name)
names(spid_chnm_table) <- c("spid", "aliquot_conc", "casn", "chnm")
#calculate the actual cocnentration tested in single-con screening
#the unit will be convert from mM to Molar
spid_chnm_table <- spid_chnm_table %>%
    mutate(test_conc = aliquot_conc / 2E5)
## [1] "spid"         "aliquot_conc" "casn"         "chnm"        
## [5] "test_conc"
single_con_results <- spid_chnm_table %>% 
    mutate(hitc = ifelse(spid %in% ls169$spid, "+", "-"))

final_sum_tbl <- full_join(single_con_results, multi_results, by = c("spid", "chnm", "casn")) %>% 
    dplyr::select(spid, chnm, casn, test_conc, hitc, everything()) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-aliquot_conc) %>% 
    arrange(desc(ranking_score), desc(hitc)) 

colnames(final_sum_tbl) <- c("SPID", "Chemical", "CAS NO.", "Max Conc(M)", "Tested in Multi-Conc", "AC50", "absEC50", "Cytotox Point", "Ranking Score", "Non-cytotoxic RAIU inhibition at 1 or 2 concentrations")

             caption = "Results for the top 20 ranked chemical samples that demonstrated significant RAIU inhibition in multi-concentration screening" )
Table 6.1: Results for the top 20 ranked chemical samples that demonstrated significant RAIU inhibition in multi-concentration screening
SPID Chemical CAS NO. Max Conc(M) Tested in Multi-Conc AC50 absEC50 Cytotox Point Ranking Score Non-cytotoxic RAIU inhibition at 1 or 2 concentrations
TP0001500G04 Etoxazole 153233-91-1 1.0e-04 + -5.917875 -5.882295 -4.324598 150.40664 +
TP0001502E10 Triphenyltin hydroxide 76-87-9 1.0e-04 + -5.386793 -5.388907 -5.169301 114.69714 -
TP0001501D03 Niclosamide 50-65-7 5.0e-05 + -6.954288 -6.787996 -6.914861 109.37954 -
TP0001502G01 3-Iodo-2-propynyl-N-butylcarbamate 55406-53-6 1.0e-04 + -5.089050 -5.301357 -4.795430 107.60665 +
TP0001501E07 PFOS 1763-23-1 8.0e-05 + -4.746544 -4.776923 -4.090921 94.75458 +
TP0001498G01 PFOS 1763-23-1 8.0e-05 + -4.722963 -4.740131 NA 93.63201 +
TP0001498B02 Cyprodinil 121552-61-2 1.0e-04 + -4.428222 -4.429650 NA 89.11580 +
TP0001501G03 Rotenone 83-79-4 1.0e-04 + -7.149873 -6.219251 -7.303662 86.15161 +
TP0001501C09 Pyridaben 96489-71-3 1.0e-04 + -8.635381 -7.488271 -7.596914 78.17340 -
TP0001500E11 Methoxyfenozide 161050-58-4 1.0e-04 + -4.784047 -4.722900 -4.676226 76.97244 +
TP0001500E05 2-(Thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole 21564-17-0 1.0e-04 + -4.325152 -4.370695 -4.908035 71.47611 -
TP0001500D09 Oxyfluorfen 42874-03-3 1.0e-04 + -4.554565 -4.385772 NA 68.26704 +
TP0001499D08 Captan 133-06-2 9.5e-05 + -4.494527 -4.501728 -4.807092 65.78758 -
TP0001502F03 Fipronil 120068-37-3 1.0e-04 + -4.569726 -4.630450 -4.922140 64.31604 +
TP0001502E07 Fluroxypyr-meptyl 81406-37-3 1.0e-04 + -4.765877 -4.735046 -4.735038 64.09509 +
TP0001500D03 Cyhalofop-butyl 122008-85-9 9.5e-05 + -5.469458 -4.749693 -5.071778 58.46669 -
TP0001499A01 Fenpyroximate (Z,E) 111812-58-9 1.0e-04 + -6.788967 -6.072622 -7.091646 57.34488 -
TP0001498C01 Thiobencarb 28249-77-6 1.0e-04 + -4.375865 -4.335303 -4.704910 55.19915 -
TP0001500E07 Emamectin benzoate 155569-91-8 1.0e-04 + -4.876405 -4.991496 -5.177326 54.81987 -
TP0001499C08 Diphenylamine 122-39-4 1.0e-04 + -4.739166 -4.281879 -5.591725 54.01489 -
#write_csv(final_sum_tbl, "./output data files/sum_tble_for_paper_new_ranking.txt")
# make sure use the excel text import tool to open this file, otherwise CAS NO. will be read wrong by excel as date.

6.2.2 Table S1 in ES&T paper

Export supplemental summary table that includes all potency metrics.

sup_sum_tbl <- full_join(single_con_results, sum_tbl6, 
                         by = c("spid", "chnm", "casn")) %>% 
    dplyr::select(spid, chnm, casn, test_conc, hitc, everything()) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-aliquot_conc, -index) %>% 
    arrange(desc(ranking_score), desc(hitc)) 

colnames(sup_sum_tbl) <- c("Sample ID", "Chemical", "CAS NO.", "Max Conc(M)", "Multi-Con Test", "TAA", "Median Difference", "AC50 Cytotox", "AC50 RAIU", "absEC80 Cytotox", "absEC50 Cytotox", "absEC80 RAIU", "absEC50 RAIU", "Cytotox point", "TAA Normalized", "Median_Difference Normalized", "Ranking Score", "Non-cytotoxic RAIU inhibition at 1 or 2 concentrations")

write_csv(sup_sum_tbl, "./output data files/Supplemental_summary_table.csv")